Landlords and property managers have the unfortunate need to evict tenants from time to time.
When you are evicting a tenant or enacting a foreclosure, it is a lengthy and aggravating process.
In the Bay Area, landlords and property managers know that having a locksmith on hand on the final day of the eviction is crucial to keeping your property safe and the eviction running smoothly.
A reliable and efficient locksmith service like Go Pro Locksmith will keep the eviction process as peaceful as possible for all parties. The eviction moratorium has forced landlords to halt all eviction proceedings on tenants.
However, when you are faced with completing a foreclosure or eviction, it helps to understand the process and why you, too, should hire a professional locksmith.
Below, we explain how doing so will ease tension and complete the process quickly for a low-cost and smooth transition.
What is the Eviction Process?
The California eviction process is as follows:
Give notice: Whether you are doing a foreclosure or an eviction, you must give appropriate notice to your tenant to move out.
File suit: You will file an Unlawful Detainer suit.
Court order: As a landlord, property manager, or realtor, you will contact the sheriff and coordinate with the sheriff for an eviction date.
Clear out: The sheriff will clear the property, and the landlord or property manager is free to change the locks and clean out the property.
Currently, due to COVID-19 and its economic impact, there is a moratorium on evictions. This means, in most cases, that between February of 2021 and June 30 of 2021 people can't be forced from their rented homes.
If the moratorium ends as is predicted, there will be an influx of evictions carried out soon after. At this time, it will be crucial to have hired a reliable locksmith due to the influx of evictions, busy or booked locksmiths, and the urgent need for lock changes.
Why You Need a Locksmith When the Moratorium Ends

When the eviction moratorium ends, your tenants will need to pay you that month's rent, plus 25% of the amount owed in back rent.
Unfortunately, many people may not be able to pay these amounts, which will lead to evictions.
Changing the locks to your rented property is advisable after you have gone through the necessary steps to enact an eviction. A change of locks protects your property from damages and protects future tenants from potential theft or trespassers.
Go Pro Locksmith has experience in residential and commercial eviction services in the Palo Alto and San Bruno areas. We are fast and promise discreet, efficient service.
We will keep a locksmith within a mile radius on the date that the moratorium ends. That way, we can respond within 15-30 minutes (or on an appointment, as well). Once the sheriff has cleared the property, it is advisable to have the locks rekeyed or replaced immediately. This way, the evicted tenants can no longer access the property.
A locksmith on call is essential for the security of your property. We can add additional security measures like a pick-proof lock, drill-proof cylinders, and locks like the Mul-T-Lock.
Eviction Services for Landlords
Go Pro Locksmith is available on call or by appointment with the end of the eviction moratorium looming. You can rely on us to promptly arrive at the property for eviction locksmith services, anywhere in the San Bruno or Palo Alto area. Go Pro Locksmith is experienced in emergency lock-out situations or other occasions where a locksmith is needed in an emergency.
As we are experienced in eviction services, we are well-equipped to provide a respectful approach when called to evictions. It is essential to find a locksmith that will provide an efficient and sensitive solution.
Keep Your Property and Future Tenants Safe
When you are forced to complete the eviction process, it is vital to remember the locks on your property in the changeover process. You can't be sure that your tenants made copies of keys or who the spare keys were given to.
To preserve your reputation as a good landlord, you need to protect your future tenants by giving them extra security with new locks. You may choose to simply replace the locks with a similar model or upgrade security with a pin pad lock.
An eviction is a stressful time for all parties involved. When you find a locksmith, you can trust to make the eviction process as comfortable as possible. If you are concerned about threats to your tenants or property, a reliable locksmith will treat this as a priority and attend to it quickly.
San Bruno and Palo Alto Evictions
Landlords and property managers have to undergo the unfortunate task of evicting tenants from your property. The process of eviction is uncomfortable, but you can be without any other options. Go Pro Locksmith is skilled at eviction services. With the end of the eviction moratorium on the horizon, there is no time better than the present to find a dependable locksmith to rely on when you have to evict.
Go Pro Locksmith has been serving landlords and property managers with security for residential and business properties since 1999. We can provide you with solutions that will keep your property secure and safe in the event of eviction or tenant turnover.
Eviction is not the ideal situation for anyone involved, but sometimes it is inevitable. Securing a dedicated locksmith before the end of the eviction moratorium will give you the peace of mind you need when you run into problems with your tenants.

Call on Go Pro Locksmith when you need eviction services or any other locksmith services to ensure your property is safe and secure.
This blog perfectly highlights the critical role locksmiths play during evictions, ensuring security and efficiency. It's an insightful read that emphasizes preparedness and professionalism in sensitive situations. Great job shedding light on this often-overlooked aspect of property management! Locksmith Fort Lauderdale
Locksmith Temecula experts can make the eviction process smoother and more professional by working in sync with law enforcement and property management. We understand the sensitivity surrounding an eviction, and our job is to secure the property respectfully and efficiently, giving all parties involved a sense of closure.
Acworth Locksmith GA team is also available on call all the time, just give them a call and there will be there for you to handle all type of lock and key related emergencies.